Crystal: As you know, I hope, my name is Crystal Meadow, and I'm your host. Don't be surprised now, I'm a fairy. That's the reason why I have shiny wings at my back. But just because of that, doesn't mean I'm all nice and girly. You know, you should obey me. Now I'm going to uncheck you all. Say "yes" when I tell your name.
Denver: Yes!
Crystal: Ashton Hawkins.
Ashton: Yeah, but call me Ash, please.
Crysal: Sure. Misty MacKenzie.
Misty: Mm..
Crystal: Say it louder, Misty. Rubie Doherty.
Rubie: Y-yes..
Crystal: Max Wallace.
Max: Yep!
Crystal: And then we have last but not least. Leanne Reaves.
Leanne: Yes. I'm here.
Crystal: Good. First, I'm going to show you the "challenge room" or the "West Wing" as I prefer to call it. It's just right behind this wall, and it'll be locked except for when we has challenges there. I don't want anyone of you to practise something like painting or guitar, that would be cheating.
Crystal: We even has a pool table here. So no, you won't be able to play pool on your sparetime.
Misty: Do we have anything to do at our sparetime?
Crystal: Well, actually not really. We have a hot tub, a swimming pool and a TV. But I'm sure we'll get more stuff soon. It's just my bosses who doesn't want to spend too much money now. Don't ask me more about that.
Misty: ...
Crystal: But now that you've seen this room. Go back to the other room so I can lock these doors.
*everyone heads back and Crystal locks the doors*
Crystal: Now, the next thing to show you for today is your room!
Crystal: Yes?
Rubie: Should we take out luggage to the rooms immediately or should we leave it here?
Leanne: Do you really need to ask her that? Do whatever you want!
Crystal: *ignores Leanne* You can leave it. You'll all get downstairs soon again.
Ashton: Are the bedrooms upstairs? Are we going to get a balcony?
Leanne: I must say I'm surprised we get separate rooms, but you couldn't afford to buy something to do?
Denver: Don't be like that. You don't want to share bedroom with other people, I can tell that by just a glance at you.
Leanne: I guess you're right.
Crystal: Quiet, everybody! No, you won't get a balcony, and your rooms are big. Two of you are going to get the East and West Wing room at the second floor, so they will be a bit bigger.
Denver: To we get to choose our rooms ourself?
Crystal: No, Denver. You won't.
Crystal: Okay everyone, welcome to second floor!
Crystal: Here's the first hallway. The west one. And the one over there, is the east one. If you couldn't tell. In this house, we're going a lot after west and east.
Leanne: You really mean that..? *sarcastic*
Crystal: Yes. One more thing before I start, all rooms will be empty now, because you'll all get money to go out and buy your own furniture. That's your last time outside of this mansion for a while, so take advantage of it. Back to this room tour. This first room, is Rubie's.
Crystal and Rubie walks into the room.
Crystal: What do you think?
Rubie: I-It's really beautiful. And bright... Thank you.
Crystal: And come here, Misty. Your room is just next to Rubie's.
Misty and Crystal heads into the next room.
Misty: Is this just because I'm all gothic?
Crystal: I thought you'd like it!
Crystal: Besides, you wrote in your application that you liked dark and gothic things.
Misty: Maybe I did...
Denver: Sweet.
Denver: It even has a fireplace! Thanks! But I don't think I should keep that. I'll just burn the house down.
Crystal: If you don't like it, you can just tell the builders to remove it.
Denver: Is it that easy?
Crystal: Here it is.
Crystal: Now everyone, follow me to the east hall. There's three rooms waiting for you there.
Leanne: Show me my room first!
Crystal: It's the door to the right.
Leanne: Yes, it acutally is. Thank you, Crystal.
Crystal: And next room is Ashton's. Excuse me. Ash.
Ashton: Whatever.
Ashton: Hey, I can see the hot tub from here!
Crystal: The East Room is yours, Max. It's a little too dark, because there are no windows.
Max: Yes, dark it is. But I like it! Thanks.
Crystal: Now everyone! It's time for you to go out and get you some furniture!
Leanne: It had taken a couple of hours in the furniture store, but I was happy with this.
Leanne: And I was so pleased with my bed. Never did I think we all would get different rooms. I, who had brought a lot of bathrobes.
Misty: I sat down on my bed, fixed my pillow.
Misty: I think I got one of the smallest rooms, but I still like it. I just wish I had room for anything fun to do.
Misty: Well, I could at least sleep.
Rubie: But I didn't feel like leaving my room to see the others. I didn't really know if I liked them that much. No one seemed that nice.
Denver: And I had the most awesome bed. I was just afraid that light would start annoying me at night. Hopefully I could turn it off.

Ashton: No one seems to get that I want to be called Ash. They all just say Ashton. Or Crystal says Ashton, no one else has really talked to me.
Max: I didn't mind at all having a dark room.
Max: That way, I could watch TV more easily. I saw Denver's TV, I wanted to laugh him in the face when I saw him brag about it. But I don't want to be rude. Not yet.
Leanne: I like it here so far. There's two cute boys, Max and the other one, who I can't remember the name of. D- something. That one with the glasses just seems like a loner.
Leanne: The girls though... I mean, what are a girl like Rubie doing here? She doesn't belong here. You agree with me, right?
Cameraman: ...
Leanne: And that other emo girl. I hope she'll stay out of my way.
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