Warning: ehm, a nude sim. But only her back.
Ashton: It was really early, just 7AM, so I sat down at my computer. But since no one of my friends were online to play some LoL or WoW this time in the morning, I didn't have anything to do.
Misty: You awake too? Wow, I thought I was the only one to go up this early!
Ashton: Yeah... I'm awake... I wasn't sure about her personality. She seemed like a grumpy girl with mood swings. But who knows, maybe she was nice? Maybe she even play some games?
Misty: Since I went to bed so late I thought I would miss the challenges, but hey, no, I woke up at 7! It's way too early for me.
Ashton: I also stayed up late. Until 2AM. Usually, I stay up until like 5 or 4 or something, but well as you said, the challenges.
Misty: 5 or 4? Pfft, that's nothing! Some days, I never go to sleep! There's just too much to do! Like all those horror movies you can watch!
Ashton: Oh, but I don't like horror movies. If I would watch some of those, I wouldn't sleep for about 5 weeks.
Misty: Is that so? That's maybe why I stay up so late. I've actually never thought of not being able to sleep after watching horror...
Misty: Ashton seemed like a nice guy. I'd just been talking to him for a short while, and he seemed a little nerdy, but maybe I could talk him into watching some horror movies with me. I wanted someone fun to watch them with, and maybe it would be funnier if he got really, really scared? Then I would have something to laugh at!
I was on my way to the public showers we shared. We had seperate bathrooms, but no, they could not give us seperate showers! I was just hoping no one else would be there.
Misty: But unfornately, there was.
Misty: OH GOD! I'm so sorry!
Rubie: *looked surprised/embarrassed at Misty* Oh, oh no.. No there's no problem... I was hoping I would be done before anyone woke up, but it doesn't seem so... *she reached for a towel*
Misty: I took a shower anyway. Thank god, both Rubie and I were just as embarrassed. It actually made everything easier. We had something to laugh at and share.
Rubie: Misty seemed like a nice girl. Before I talked to her today, she just seemed mean and I thought she and Leanne would be friends and I would be left over. But maybe I have more luck than so!
Ashton: What are we going to do? Is it difficult?
Crystal: Oh, I won't tell you yet! But it's not going to be that big deal, since it the first challenge!
*one hour later*
Crystal: Where is everyone? Two of you is missing.
Ashton: *about to sit down* It's Leanne and Denver who's missing..
Misty: I'm not surprised it's those two..
Denver: No, here we are! We were just eating breakfast!
Crystal: As I was telling Ash earlier...
Ashton: FINALLY! Someone is calling me Ash!
Crystal: We're going to start off with something easy.
*everyone started to read*
Leanne: What a boring challenge. Reading. Bla, bla, bla. This is how you unclog a toilet. Gross.
*meanwhile, Crystal was playing pool*
Max: And, I'm DONE!
Crystal: *came running* You are? That's great!
*after Max, Ashton was the next one to be done. Then Leanne and Denver.*
*Rubie lost the challenge*
Crystal: Congratulations to your 5 points, Max!
Max: YES! I won the first contest! I'm so proud of myself! Mom, if you're watching this, send me some cookies!
Leanne: I didn't win. But I'm going to. I'm going to take home all that money. Whatever it takes.
Leanne: And what's that loser doing? Playing with the fire?
Leanne: Just because you almost lost, it doesn't mean you are allowed to make us other suffer in a fire!
Misty: Chill out, girl. I wasn't planning on burning the house. I know what I'm doing.
Leanne: Well I HOPE so! I'm NOT going to lose my chance of getting those money! Just think of all the stuff I can do with it!
Misty: Don't be so sure you'll win. I know you didn't lose, but you didn't win this round either.
Rubie: I decided to not care that much. I needed those money. But I couldn't cheat! I was going to fight to win this, fare and square.
Rubie: Hey... What is these things?
Rubie: Some kind of boxes...
Rubie: I looked inside, and a whole swarm of bees came out of it.
Rubie: Why do you have bees here?
Misty: I maybe shouldn't play with fire. Once when I was a kid, our carpet caught fire. I got punished for months.
Misty: AOUCH! I burnt my finger!
Misty: Fuck that hurt really bad.
Misty: Oh, eh... nothing... really..
Ashton: If you say so...
Max: I grabbed my phone and ordered some pizza. I didn't know if we were allowed too, but right now, I didn't care!
Max: After my order, I walked into my room and saw Rubie. Hey, what are you doing here?
Max: Dude, chill. No problem!
Crystal: What the crap? Pizza?
Crystal: Someone must have ordered pizza... What's up with these lazy youth? Can't even make their own food!
Crystal: I took the box, payed the pizza-girl, and went inside. I shouted there was food, and a minute later almost everyone were in the dining room.
Crystal: Silly. It's not in the West Wing. It's in the room next to the West Wing! The West Wing is locked! And we'll take it 12AM. I don't feel like waking up just as early as today.
Ashton: Watch out we've got a lazy host.
Leanne: I don't bother. Then I can get my beauti sleep.
Misty: Good. You need that.
Leanne: What's that supposed to mean?!
Max: Are you afraid of getting too close to anyone? I think that's a brilliant idea. If we become friends with eachothers, we won't have to be alone.
Leanne: You're just thinking that's a brilliant idea because you came up with it.
Misty: Max and I had been playing video games before we got to the hot tub.
Misty: Suddenly someone popped up next to me in the water.
Misty: We'd been having a great time and really fun.
Misty: What are you doing?
Max: Oh you know, just chilling...
Misty: Suddenly I felt Ashton looking at me. Or mostly at Max.
Misty: Then Leanne came and sat down next to Denver, who lay his arm around her.
Misty: I looked at them as they were making out.
Misty: And I looked at Max.
Shit this was a long chapter. I maybe will keep them apart in the future. I know at least I hate to read really long chapters!
Max: 5p
Ashton: 4p
Leanne: 3p
Denver: 2p
Misty: 0p
Rubie: -1p
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